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Music Reproduction Licence Terms of Agreement
Welcome to CCLI’s Music Reproduction Licence (“Licence”). To enjoy the rights and benefits your Licence provides, your understanding and adherence to the following is necessary, and you agree to:
- Keep your Licence in good standing by paying the annual fee when it is due
- Honour the terms and conditions of this programme as outlined in the following sections marked Permitted Activities and Activities Not Permitted
- Report all copy activity
- Validate each participating song (“Publication”) and song (“Song”) before making a copy (see how in the Publication and Song Validation section)
- Use the Licence in a lawful and ethical manner
- Destroy all copies made under this agreement if your Licence expires
Permitted Activities
An active Licence allows you to make copies of Songs from participating Publications to assist with congregational singing, in the following manner. You may:
- Photocopy or scan pages from hymnals, songbooks and sheet music, including typeset sheet music downloaded from the Internet, provided you have purchased an original copy, or the Publication is permanently out of print
- Electronically duplicate and share sheet music files with members of your organisation (e.g. email a PDF to another person or share via networked screens)
Activities Not Permitted
This Licence has certain important and necessary limitations and you may not:
- Distribute, sell or share in any manner copies made under the Licence for use outside of your organisation’s activities
Publication and Song Validation
Validating that a song or publication is authorised is simple:
- Publications
Search the Music Reproduction Licence – Covered Publications list at - Songs
Visit and enter the song title in the search box. If your initial search results don’t include the song you are looking for, tick the box next to “Expand search to show all songs” for more results. Find a match and you’re good to go. If you don’t find a match, it’s likely the song is not covered by the licence.
When in doubt, CCLI’s Customer Service is ready to help.
Authorised Songs
Search the CCL song database for copyright information and to confirm if a song is covered.
SEARCH SONGSTalk with a knowledgeable specialist during regular business hours.
1300 225 400Contact CCLI with general questions or comments
Email CCLIView all options for support and FAQs
Support OptionsFind the right Copyright Licence or renew an existing one.
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